
my english language challenges during this period.

What I have liked the most about this experience of learning English at the university is that through the blogs I can expand my vocabulary in this second language. Another remarkable thing is that it has also helped me to detach myself a little from my career and think about, for example, vacations or things I like to do, relieving my anxiety a little bit. One of the aspects that I would like to improve in my English skills is to develop more vocabulary related to my career: sociology. For this, I think that more than talking to people, it is to read famous newspapers and renowned magazines in the social sciences.  On the other hand, outside of English classes I practice my English by reading international news and social science magazines. I also do it by watching videos that explain music theory. In my hobbies when I'm a bit stressed, I read English lyrics of my favorite songs and do a mini karaoke. 

some changes could be made in my career in sociology

Some changes I would make to the curriculum, is that it could be shortened much more the years of study. it is feasible in fact that you can finish sociology in three years perfectly well, only that they add more time to profit and earn more money with the monthly fee. As for the workload, it seems to me that it is well managed, they don't stress us so much with academic crap but at the same time they still keep the demands. Likewise, I think the university keeps the FACSO faculty facilities in a good state in general, and the use of technology meets my expectations. Being a humanistic career and not an engineering for example, it does not require such a cutting edge technology to form good professionals. Now, as far as teaching methods are concerned, I believe that the University of Chile has teachers of excellent quality, with the exception of a few. Generally they maintain a methodology that allows them to not stress the students so much so that they can incorporate the knowledg

Free Topic: The trumpet, my favorite instrument.

 Playing this instrument relaxes me a lot so I do it at least once a day without fail. I usually do it in my room or in the dining room of my house, if we were in normal times I think I would be playing in some square in a band that I plan to form. The fact of playing trumpet I think it helps me to express what I can't say in words, the vibration makes my body to be in harmony with the outside. I could say that it is a therapy in times of pandemic, if I feel very anxious I distract myself from the studies improvising some happy or sad song depending on how I feel.  Something important I could mention, is that what inspired me to play this instrument was a song by chet baker called almost blue, which I listened to over and over again in my adolescence. Also miles davis was one of my references, with his rhythms and chaotic and innovative composition. 

Plans or ideas for summer holidays: Sweden

To start with, the idea of a summer vacation in pandemic doesn't really appeal to me because of the mask issue and the fact that everything is closed. Still, I plan to travel to sweden even though our summer there is their winter.  Unfortunately I could have gone in June, but because of the online classes I don't have a stable winter vacation. On the other hand, I would like to go with my sister and one more friend to be able to be well accompanied.  When I am there, one of the activities that I would like to do is to meet the reindeer and go skiing. I would also like to visit museums and learn more about their history. 

my post graduate studies

 I  am currently studying sociology, I have two years left to obtain my degree. After obtaining my degree, I would like to continue specializing in the elaboration of public policies, for this I had planned to study a master's degree in public policy management. The topics I would like to address in general are mainly: inequality, organization, quantitative methodology, political sociology, social classes and stratification.  In particular, I would like to study it in any prestigious university in Chile, or in Europe. The fact of studying abroad I do not see it so far away, since I have contacts that can help me so that it is not so heavy economically to live there.  As for how I would like to study, I think I would prefer part-time daytime classes. 

My future job

 I am currently studying sociology, I am two years away from my bachelor's degree. I haven't really decided what kind of job I would like to do. One possibility is to work as a researcher in a research center like COES or CIPER. Also, if it is the case, I could work in a municipality applying and evaluating public policies, developing the different social plans promoted by the State.  As expected, I would like to work in an office, I am not much of a field worker. I am not much of a traveler either, I plan to work in Chile. However, it would be great to have the possibility of studying a master or doctorate in Europe, to specialize in any of the branches of quantitative methodology. This is because I really like statistics, I think it is an extremely relevant tool when it comes to understanding certain social phenomena.  As for the salary that sociologists receive, I have not investigated much but it is not relevant to me, as long as I have enough to live on, I am satisfied. 


 The way I chose my career was quite peculiar. In the sense that all my life I prepared myself both mentally and academically to study mechanical engineering or astronomy. during high school I took physics electives and did physics math tests, you could say that during those four years I did one or two PSU tests in total of language and history.  However, at home I used to have a passion for reading and politics in general, I would check out history books from my father's library. In my family it was not very valued to study humanistic careers because of its reduced field of work and offers in the job market. However, days before choosing which career to put as my first option to enter a university, I talked to an uncle to guide me regarding the difficult decision, and he ended up convincing me to choose the career of sociology.  So far, in the three years I have been studying sociology, I have really liked it. The texts I used to read as a hobby are now part of my curriculum so I