my english language challenges during this period.

What I have liked the most about this experience of learning English at the university is that through the blogs I can expand my vocabulary in this second language. Another remarkable thing is that it has also helped me to detach myself a little from my career and think about, for example, vacations or things I like to do, relieving my anxiety a little bit.

One of the aspects that I would like to improve in my English skills is to develop more vocabulary related to my career: sociology. For this, I think that more than talking to people, it is to read famous newspapers and renowned magazines in the social sciences. 

On the other hand, outside of English classes I practice my English by reading international news and social science magazines. I also do it by watching videos that explain music theory. In my hobbies when I'm a bit stressed, I read English lyrics of my favorite songs and do a mini karaoke. 


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