
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021


 The way I chose my career was quite peculiar. In the sense that all my life I prepared myself both mentally and academically to study mechanical engineering or astronomy. during high school I took physics electives and did physics math tests, you could say that during those four years I did one or two PSU tests in total of language and history.  However, at home I used to have a passion for reading and politics in general, I would check out history books from my father's library. In my family it was not very valued to study humanistic careers because of its reduced field of work and offers in the job market. However, days before choosing which career to put as my first option to enter a university, I talked to an uncle to guide me regarding the difficult decision, and he ended up convincing me to choose the career of sociology.  So far, in the three years I have been studying sociology, I have really liked it. The texts I used to read as a hobby are now part of my curriculum so I

Best movie I've ever seen: City of god

One of the films that has remained in my memory is City of God, a film that tries to show the crude reality that is lived in general in the marginal populations of the big cities of Latin America, particularly in the Brazilian territory. Broadly speaking, the plot revolves around a boy named Buscapé who seeks to fulfill his dream of becoming a photographer in the midst of a city where organized crime and police violence prevail. Throughout the story Buscapé will relate how he became a photographer, going through various passages of his life from his childhood to his adolescence, telling how his friends and family were dying or were imprisoned in a context of great violence in the neighborhoods as a result of drugs. In general, it could be said that the film seeks to portray how life is wasted in a context where poverty and drugs end up consuming all semblance of humanity.