A country i would like to visit

 Personally, when I think of places to travel I think of the history and revolutionary experience of a country rather than sightseeing in places with paradisiacal landscapes. For the same reason, one of my dreams in life is to travel to Nicaragua, more than anything else because of the history that took place in that country with respect to the Sandinista revolution. The first time I heard about Nicaragua was when I was in high school and I read about Ernesto Cardenal's liberation theology. Then I researched about the FSLN, and their revolutionary experience. It is a very interesting country because it has been able to resist for a long time both the North American invasion and later dictatorships. 

Anyway, if I go to nicaragua I would like to visit relevant historical sites such as the city of leon or managua, besides getting to know closely the local people and their culture. However, I would not stay to live or study because the Nicaraguan state does not provide many job or academic opportunities. 

Here is a picture of  Managua: 


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. It is really interesting the sociopolitical situation in Nicaragua even right now; there is some king of tense situation between de ideology from the goverment and the people who is not agree with them. And of course, the whole situation has their roots in the history of that country and it's people

  3. It’s so good to see that someone is interesting in a place for more than “vacation spirit”haha, and is also great to share cultural aspects with native people :)

  4. all the central american nations have a lot of history that we know specially in political aspects. It's intresting to know specially revolucionary movements

  5. I can't think of Nicaragua, even more if we are talking about revolution, without hearing "Canción Urgente para Nicaragua" in my head. This country and it's people are a beautiful example of the latinoamerican resistane against the neoimperialism. Isn't kind of sad, or at lease ironic, that I had to say that in English?

  6. Your choice is very interesting, Nicaragua is one of the many countries that has resisted the invasions of the United States, a lot of social, cultural and political content. Regards!

  7. Are you a communist? hahaha... Just kidding!
    I find it interesting to learn about Latin America and its different processes.

  8. The reasons of your choice are very interesting, one of my favourites destinations is Cuba because of similar reasons: beyond agreeing or not, I am very interested in places that are outside the US domain.


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